
Monday, 9 April 2012

7th April part one

I got up on the wrong side of 6am this morning. I say wrong side because I hate getting up early and my ringing effort tends to drop off over the summer months as a result. It was raining when I got up so I started the day with a leisurely cup of coffee or three. When the rain stopped I took the short walk to put up a couple of nets near home at Longshaw. I didn't expect to catch much but the dog needed a walk and it would give me an idea if any new birds had moved in.

Bryn in typical cross pawed pose watches on.
 A Song Thrush, which has decided to nest in a willow by one of the net rides, was now sitting so I wasn't able to use that ride. I noticed the part built nest on my previous visit as it is not the most well concealed for a Song Thrush but hopefully they will be successful. I decided I would walk back later to try and get a picture of the sitting bird with the 'big' camera if the weather brightened up a bit.

I thought I had heard both Willow Warbler and Blackcap whilst putting the first net up. A little while later both species had been caught and ringed. The first of the year for each.

Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Blackcap (Sylivia atricapilla)
I hoped a few Lesser Redpolls may be passing over so I played a their song as a lure but there didn't seem to be anything on the move other than the odd Meadow Pipit, Linnet and Goldfinch. However, three birds did eventually drop in for a look with one being caught and ringed.

Lesser Redpoll (Carduelis cabaret)
Chiffchaffs were singing in earnest and a new male was added to the ringing tally but although some of the males have been on territory for over two weeks now there is still no sign of any females having arrived as yet.

Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
Although I only ringed 4 new birds and a retrapped a Blackbird it was still a useful short session. As I was packing up the complete cloud cover began to break up just enough to consider going for a walk with the big camera. The results of which form part two of the day's blog.

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