
Sunday 15 April 2012

A chill in the air...

Managed to get up before 6am and had two nets up in the usual dog leg at Longshaw by 6:45 hoping for a repeat of yesterday. A ground frost, along with a north easterly breeze, made it feel distinctly cold. No new warblers had arrived but at least a dozen Willow Warblers were singing for all they were worth. Only 3 Willow Warblers were caught, 2 new birds and a retrap from last year so I packed up at 10:00. Other than that it was really quiet except for a Swallow overhead. My first of the year at this site.

Male Swallow (Hirundo rustica) with stonking tail streamers
As it was quite sunny I decided to have a walk with the camera but that didn't produce much either as there were too many people out with their dogs. Couldn't blame them as it was a lovely day for a walk.
Looking back, a bit of a disappointing day on the bird front to be honest.

Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus)

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