
Friday 4 May 2012

Cold and quiet

I went for a mooch around the Wigan Flashes again today. It was overcast and felt quite cold even though there was little or no breeze. The Cetti's Warbler put in a few bursts of song in Hawkley reed bed but in general it was really quiet for the time of year with few birds singing. There were no Sedge Warblers singing in prime areas of habitat at Scotman's Flash and I only heard one Whitethroat.

Hawkley reed bed near Scotman's Flash
Scotman's Flash, Wigan
Wandered around Turner's and Pearson's Flash and only came across one Sedge Warbler on the entire walk and that one didn't sing for long. I still haven't heard a Grasshopper Warbler, Garden Warbler or Lesser Whitethroat anywhere. I put a net up in a few locations as went round and managed to ring a few birds including five new Reed Warblers.

Ringing totals for the day were:
Reed Warbler 5
Blackcap 3
Willow Warbler 2
Chiffchaff 2
Long-tailed Tit 1
Blackbird 1
Total 14

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