
Sunday, 10 June 2012

Racers, Chasers and Skimmers

I had to work at Pennington Flash today as we were hosting a Cancer Research Race for Life event. The weather was really pleasant and actually felt like summer after the rain and gloom of yesterday. The lake was like a millpond as there was hardly a breath of wind. It was perfect weather for mist-netting but work had to come first.

A flat calm Pennington Flash
Whilst checking the run route I came across a Four-spotted Chaser resting in the grass near the track. I had a compact super-zoom camera in my pocket so I tried to grab a shot. It flushed at my initial approach but then settled again nearby. Second time around it gave me the chance to approach quite close and get the shot below which I am very pleased with.

Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata)

There were quite a few Black-tailed Skimmers around but these were far more active and just wouldn't settle. I resorted to trying to grab some shots of an egg laying female that kept flying past me. I could hardly see anything on the camera screen so it was a case of switch to sport scene mode, point in the general direction, press and hope. I only got it in the frame twice out of numerous attempts but one shot didn't turn out too bad as long as you don't look too close.

female Black-tailed Skimmer (Orthetrum cancellatum)

Around 1600 entrants turned up for the 5k fun run with most wearing pink in some form. It makes quite a spectacle as the runners, joggers and walkers get strung out along the route. The event went really well and a lot of people went home happy knowing they have helped a worthy cause.

A procession of pink.

The finish area.