
Friday 30 November 2012

Ringing Totals Update

November has been a month dominated by finches. Although Greenfinch topped the totals Brambling came second with Chaffinch a close third. The Waxwing ringed was the only new species added for the year.
November Ringing Totals
Collared Dove 2
Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Waxwing 1
Wren 2
Dunnock 3
Robin 4
Blackbird 9
Goldcrest 21
Coal Tit 5
Blue Tit 31
Great Tit 18
Starling 1
Chaffinch 92
Brambling 108
Greenfinch 134
Goldfinch 24
Lesser Redpoll 5
Bullfinch 1
Reed Bunting 1
Total 463

The group totals for the year to date (right) have also been updated with the top 5 being:
1st – Swallow 930 and unlikely to be moved from top spot
2nd – Greenfinch 410 and with a good chance of staying in that position
3rd – Blue Tit 365 but could be overtaken as the winter progresses
4th – Chaffinch 318 but with a chance of moving up
5th – Goldfinch 316 could also move up and overtake Chaffinch

Whilst Goldcrest is not in the top 5 it came in at an impressive 8th with our highest ever total of 135 ringed to date.

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