
Saturday, 15 December 2012

House Sparrow Headlines

I went to the feeding station at Haigh this morning despite the dodgy forecast. The wind was light enough but there was a chance of some slow moving showers. As it happened the showers were light, very brief and infrequent. It was very mild compared to earlier in the week and there were fewer birds about as a result. At least 100 Chaffinches and Brambling had been present when I topped the feeders up midweek.
Catching was fairly steady but it was obvious that quite a few birds knew the score and how to avoid getting caught. Chaffinches and Bramblings still topped the totals but a House Sparrow was the star bird and the first I have caught at this site or seen there for that matter.

male House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) a new species for the site.

This particular Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) brought the number
 ringed this winter to 150 but the total now stands at 153.

male Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), a long winged continental type bird.
Ringing totals with retraps in brackets.
Chaffinch 10 (3)
Brambling 9 (3)
Greenfinch 7 (2)
Goldfinch 3
Blackbird 2
Blue Tit 2 (9)
Great Tit 1 (2)
House Sparrow 1
Coal Tit – (3)
Long-tailed Tit – (2)
Bullfinch – (1)
Total 35 new birds and 25 recaptures.

Longshaw tomorrow.............

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