
Thursday 10 January 2013

2012 year end summary

I have finally got round to adding the annual totals for 2012 (right) which came in at a very respectable 4145. The top 5 were:

1st      Swallow 930 the result of a stable roost at Scotman’s Flash.
2nd     Greenfinch 461 the result of much sunflower and other seeds.
=3rd   Chaffinch 384 as above.
=3rd   Blue Tit 384 as above but with peanuts and dripping thrown in.
4th     Goldfinch 316 mainly the result of much sunflower hearts and nyger.

Unusual or unexpected captures of 2012 were a Hobby, 2 Cetti’s Warbler, a Yellow-browed Warbler and a Waxwing.

A notable influx was Brambling with 175 ringed from November.

A significant decreases was Long-tailed Tit with 28 ringed in 2012 compared with 132 in 2011.

A significant increase was Goldcrest with 136 ringed in 2012 compared with 80 in 2011.

A mixed year but in general most species had a very poor and very unproductive breeding season. Any increases were largely due to factors such as a productive roost, influxes, feeding stations or ringing effort.

Reed Bunting  (Emberiza schoeniclus) already on the ringing totals for 2013 although not this particular bird, yet.

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