
Saturday 5 January 2013

Yesterday's post

I wrote this last night but couldn't upload any photos hence the delay. Still had problems uploading them today but finally managed to do it in HTML.

I went up to the baited site at Haigh yesterday for the first ringing session of the year; we are 5 days in now so it doesn’t feel that new anymore. It was overcast and very mild to say the least; almost spring like apart from the dullness. All but one of the feeders were empty and all the loose feed had been eaten so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

As it turned out it was quieter than might be expected for January and the mild conditions probably contributed to that. Around 50 Goldfinches left the nearby roost with some finding their way to the feeders and making up the bulk of the new birds ringed. Only 10 Brambling were seen along with around 35 Greenfinches. A few Chaffinches came and went but only in dribs and drabs. Tits weren’t that plentiful and Nuthatches didn’t come near although several could be heard.

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
Four new Blackbirds were caught which isn’t particularly unusual but 3 were long winged birds and likely to be of continental origin. One was a very mottled first winter male and more dark brown than black.

A rather mottled male Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Looks even more interesting up close.
Ringing totals for 04/01/13 with retraps in brackets
Blackbird 4
Blue Tit 4 (9)
Brambling 1
Bullfinch 2 (1)
Chaffinch 7
Coal Tit 1 (1)
Goldfinch 11 (1)
Great Tit 1 (4)
Greenfinch 5
Long-tailed Tit – (1)
Robin - (1)
Totals 36 (18)
The mild and damp conditions are clearly benefiting fungi and I noticed this brown job. Not a clue what it is and I don’t think I have seen it before but then I simply may not have noticed.

unidentified brown job
unidentified brown job

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