
Sunday 24 March 2013

More of the same

I wasn't going to post anything on the blog today but there was some brightness, especially in the afternoon, and it allowed me to get a few good photos. Up to 69 Waxwings visited the garden throughout the day and they really shifted the apples. They were helped by 3 Fieldfares, several Blackbirds and 2 Blackcaps much as yesterday. I have put some of the photos into a video rather than posting individual shots. I hope you enjoy them.

More apples were eaten today than on any previous day and I had to top them up in the afternoon. I have put out just short of 100 apple halves tonight but I don't think that is enough to last all day tomorrow if today's consumption is anything to go by. I have no apples left in stock and will need to go and do some serious apple shopping tomorrow.

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