
Sunday 2 February 2014

Bits and bobs

There hasn't been one particular thing that I have felt the urge to post about in the last week or so. For starters the weather has been rubbish in the main so opportunities have been limited to say the least. I have not been idle though and I photographed a Lithuanian ringed Black-headed Gull at Pennington Flash on 23/01/14. This is a regular returning bird that I have photographed previously and you can view the recovery map here.

The German ringed Black-headed Gull continues to frequent Orrell Water Park and I photographed it again on 26/01/14. You can read an earlier post with a recovery map here. 

On 30/01/14 I noticed a Goldfinch at the feeders in the garden that had a large growth above the leg on its right flank. This growth was quite big and the resting wing tip sat in a higher than normal position because of it. The bird was otherwise healthy and behaved normally. This will be another bird to report to the Garden Bird Health Initiative. 

Goldfinch with growth above right thigh. Orrell 30/01/14.

Goldfinch with growth above right thigh. Orrell 30/01/14.
I also ringed a few birds in the garden on 30/01/14 and have added some photographs to my previous post on ageing Goldfinches that you can find below or here. I will update that post from time to time to show how their plumage wears through the seasons.

This morning (01/02/14) I found the Chiffchaff in its favourite area at Orrell Water Park so it looks like it will stay for the rest of the winter. As you would expect it was more obliging and gave better views as I didn't have a camera with me.

More wet and windy weather is on the way so I am not sure what my next post will be about. Perhaps I will use the time to write a post on sexing Goldfinches.

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