
Saturday 31 May 2014

Exhausted Blue Tits

Blue Tits will occasionally pick some very strange places to nest in. This usually happens when natural holes in trees or nest boxes are in short supply. I was visiting one of my birding sites today when I noticed a Blue Tit carrying food towards a pumping station near to where I had parked. I got back in the car to use it as a hide and watched to see where the Blue Tits were going. It wasn't long before a Blue Tit returned with a beak full of caterpillars and landed on some kind of vertical exhaust pipe. It then dropped inside and came out a few seconds later. 

I repositioned the car to get some photos of the birds entering and leaving this unusual nest site. I have seen Blue Tit nests in street lights and uncapped sign posts but this is the first I have seen in an exhaust pipe.

Exhausting work rearing chicks and literally in this case. Sorry I couldn't resist.

I assume the exhaust pipe is part of some equipment that is no longer used or only gets used in certain circumstances. I just hope it doesn't need to be used before the chicks leave the nest.

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