
Wednesday 16 July 2014

16th July 2014

I have been very busy in one way or another over the last week or so and haven't had the time to post on the blog before now. Today wasn't much different really, I was out this morning for a brief ringing session at the Billinge site before rain and domestic duties stopped play. I went back this evening to see if the Swallows were still roosting in the willows and only got back late as a result. This site is turning out to be really productive and the Swallow roost has been the most unexpected find so far. There were around 500 Swallows in the roost tonight and I caught and ringed 51 (all juveniles) which was a comfortable number to deal with. I have now ringed 196 Swallows and 1 Sand Martin since finding this roost on 25th June.

Juvenile Swallow

This juvenile is just starting to get a few darker red feathers on the throat.

Ringing Totals for 16/07/14
Swallow 51
Chiffchaff 7
Willow Warbler 6 (1)
Blackcap 4
Whitethroat 2
Linnet 1
Willow Tit 1
Total 72 (+1 retrap)

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