
Sunday, 21 December 2014

A short post for the shortest day.

Blustery with frequent heavy showers just about sums up the weather for much of the past week and it didn't look like there would be any opportunities to go out ringing. The forecast for this morning didn't look any better with a predicted wind speed of 15 mph and the risk of a light shower but I decided to get up anyway and simply stick my head out of the door to check the conditions. Luckily it was dry and much less windy than forecast, which is sometimes the case first thing, so I decided to go to Crawford and try for a few more winter thrushes.

I only set up one net just in case the weather did take a turn for the worse but the wind remained fairly light and the showers held off long enough for me to catch 21 Redwings and 2 Fieldfares. A very good result considering the unpromising forecast.

Hopefully Father Christmas will bring some calmer conditions and break this run of unsettled weather.

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