
Friday, 20 February 2015

Waxwing lyrical part 44 - Same Waxwing but some other stuff too.

The Waxwing is still here and reports to 'Rare Bird Alert' show how low their numbers are this winter with only 50 reported in the UK for the period 11th - 17th February (link here). Although it has been here for two weeks now a few birders and photographers are still coming to have a look and others have come back for a second or third time. The bird has become a bit of a local celebrity and many local people glance up at the tree to see if it is there when passing on foot or slow to have a look if driving past.

Waxwing in the rain 19/02/15

Blackcap and Waxwing 19/02/15. The Blackcap has been around since New Years Day but only visits the garden occasionally.

Male Blackcap 19/02/15
Waxwing 20/02/15.

I haven't just been watching the Waxwing, although it is hard not to at times, and I have done some ringing at Crawford. The ringing sessions were only short but were fairly productive.

Ringing totals for 17/02/15 (control in brackets) were: Blackbird 3; Goldfinch 6; Tree Sparrow 1; Yellowhammer 2 (1); Greenfinch 2; Dunnock 2. Total 16 new birds and 1 control (ringed elsewhere).

Ringing totals for 20/02/15 (controls/retraps in brackets) were: Goldfinch 4; Reed Bunting 3; Tree Sparrow 3; Blue Tit 3; Greenfinch 1; Yellowhammer 1; Song Thrush 1; Long-tailed Tit (2). Total 16 new birds, 1 retrap and 1 control (ringed elsewhere).

Tree Sparrow 17/02/15

Female Yellowhammer 17/02/15.

Male Reed Bunting 20/02/15.

Male Goldfinch 20/02/15. This bird had some orange feathers in its mask.

Long-tailed Tit 20/02/15

Long-tailed Tit 20/02/15

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