
Thursday, 30 April 2015

Recent recoveries

The latest recoveries received included some interesting movements as follows:

Goldcrest HPV313 (orange line) was ringed at Billinge on 18/09/2014 and was one of 15 caught that day. It was controlled on 07/04/2015 near East Lamington, Morangie Forest, Highland, 483 km to the north, and is my furthest movement of a Goldcrest to date. It was one of 312 Goldcrests ringed at the site last autumn and is the first indication of their origins.

Robin Z273561 (red line) was ringed at Billinge on 10/09/2014 and was subsequently controlled in Newport, Telford and Wrekin, 85 km south, on 13/01/2015 and again on 22/01/2015. There was a good movement of Robins through Billinge last autumn, 74 were ringed with the majority moving through in September like this bird.

Goldfinch D308986 (black line) was a bird I controlled at Crawford on 21/04/2015 and mentioned in a previous post (link here). It had been ringed near Penallt, Monmouthshire on 22/02/2015 and had presumably wintered in that area. I had suspected the recent increase in the number of Goldfinches at Crawford was, in part, due to some birds returning north and this recovery confirms that for this bird at least. 

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