
Friday, 14 August 2015

Tree Pipits get going.

I was joined by Kieran Foster of MRG (Merseyside Ringing Group) at Billinge yesterday morning with the conditions looking good for a movement of Tree Pipits. After a slow start we were not disappointed and 9 Tree Pipits were caught from an estimated 15 going south during a four hour period. Kieran had only ringed one Tree Pipit previously but he won't be saying that any more.

The number of Tree Pipits moving over the site had been in low single figures up to yesterday so this marked the first day of strong passage for the species this autumn. The next week should see the peak movements in this part of the country so, fingers crossed, there should be more good days to report. Obviously the weather can always throw a spanner in the works but the forecast is looking favourable over the coming days and hopefully the birds will think so too.

One of yesterday's Tree Pipits.
Other birds were in fairly short supply and there seemed to have been a general clear-out of warblers but the usual flock of about 80 Goldfinch remained. Ringing totals (retraps in brackets) for 13/08/2015 were: Tree Pipit 9; Robin 1; Song Thrush (1); Blackcap 2 (2); Chiffchaff (2); Willow Warbler 5; Chaffinch 2; Goldfinch 1; Linnet 1; Reed Bunting 2.

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