
Sunday, 17 April 2016

Great Crested Grebe follow-up

It is about a month since I blogged about the Great Crested Grebes having hatched at least one chick at Orrell Water Park (link to that post here). At that time I could only see one chick poking its head out from between the wings of one of the parents but I thought there could others that were hidden. The parent carrying the young tended to stay partially concealed under overhanging branches for much of the first couple of weeks, or at least when I went to look, which made it difficult to see if there was more than one chick but as time went on it became clear they were only feeding one.

For one reason or another (mainly ringing Siskins and other birds) I haven't photographed the progress of this breeding attempt as often as I would have liked but I finally got round to taking a few photographs yesterday. The photos are not as good as I would have liked as the birds were either too far away or in badly lit situations but they will have to do for now.

One adult bathes and they all get a shower. 

This chick is about 5 weeks old now but it still has quite a bit of growing to do. It could be another 6 weeks before it is looking after itself.

Feeding time.
It will be interesting to see if this pair has another breeding attempt and if they do will they start before this chick is fully independent?

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