
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Recent recoveries including that BLB Blackcap

Regular readers of this blog will have seen numerous posts that included photographs of a Belgium-ringed Blackcap that spent the second half of the winter in the garden. Well it has taken a bit longer than I expected but the ringing details finally arrived today. It was ringed near Herne, Brabant, Belgium on 20/09/2014. It was first seen and photographed in the garden on 17/01/2016 and was recorded nearly every day to the last sighting on 31/03/2016.

BLB 13882986 Blackcap photographed 22/03/2016
BLB 13882986          3M Blackcap
Ringed                       20/09/2014  Herne, Brabant, Belgium.
Controlled (sighting)  17/01/2016  near Orrell, Greater Manchester. 555 km NW, duration 509 days.
Also recorded nearly every day to 31/03/2016.

Another recovery involved a Siskin that was ringed on Billinge Hill last autumn and was controlled near Loch Lomond, Scotland in April. Interestingly this bird was recaptured at the same site as a Siskin that I controlled in the garden and detailed in a previous post (link here).

Z019649     3F Siskin
Ringed        09/10/2015    Billinge Hill, Merseyside.
Controlled   22/04/2016    Cnoc, Argyll & Bute. 326 km NNW, duration 196 days.

Details were also received of a Goldfinch that was ringed in the garden last autumn and recaptured in SW Scotland earlier this spring.

Z019660     3J  Goldfinch
Ringed        10/10/2015  near Orrell, Greater Manchester.
Controlled   14/04/2016  Leswalt, Dumfiers & Galloway. 220 km NW, 187 days.

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