
Sunday 27 November 2016

More Redwings

I did go up to Billinge this morning and there was a flurry of activity in the period half an hour either side of sunrise that was similar to that seen at Crawford over the past 3 days. Around 200 Redwings were involved, the majority in 3 flocks, but there were only a dozen or so Fieldafare. A total of 19 Redwing were caught which wasn't bad all things considered. There wasn't much else around and the site is starting to look pretty bleak now that the trees have lost most of their leaves and the herbage is dying back. The only other birds caught were 4 Goldcrests with one clearly being of continental origin judging by its appearance and size.

This continental Goldcrest was a female and had a wing of 56mm which is longer than any British female and most British males for that matter.

The very pale face, grey nape and paler underparts are quite distinctive.
I have finally finished the article on ageing Redwings which can be accessed via the relevant tab under the blog header.

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